Cinnamon Peppers?

We had more leftovers from the party this weekend. This makes 4 days in a row I’ve had burgers on the grill. I’m not complaining – I love burgers. However, I am definitely looking forward to something different tomorrow night. Even though the main entree was the same, I did decide to change up the side a little. We had a few peppers leftover and I thought I would try to experiment a little. Since I like cinnamon so much, and it is a little hot and goes well with sweet things, I sprinkled some cinnamon on the peppers after I gave them a thin coating of olive oil.

Well, they didn’t quite turn out like I had hoped. I did use less olive oil than the last time I tried the peppers so they weren’t as slimy, but the cinnamon didn’t really work like I expected it to. Perhaps I needed to include some additional spices as well. I’m not sure. I just know it didn’t help them any. I didn’t dislike them, but I didn’t like them either. I need to experiment a little more until I find a way to prepare peppers that I do like.

Any suggestions on how I can prepare a better pepper?

S’Mores Indoors

I’m a little behind on this post. We had a pool party at the house this past weekend with a few friends. Between my trip to California and the party, I was pretty wiped out by Monday.

Anyway,we had typical summer grilling food at the party. I had burgers, hot dogs, southwestern chicken, and peppers and onions on the grill. They all went over pretty well, but we had some leftovers. Actually we had a lot of leftovers now that I think of it. Although that’s because we had some no-shows too.

There was one thing, however, that went fast – S’Mores, and we never had to start a fire. When we were shopping for the party at BJ’s we stumbled upon S’Mores Indoors. It’s like a pizza with a graham cracker crust, chocolate for sauce, and marshmallows for cheese. Just 10 Minutes in the oven at 400 degrees and you have a yummy treat. Fortunately there were 2 in the box. I didn’t get any of the first one, so when the second one came out I set aside a slice for myself before bringing it out to the crowd.

Did I mention that most of the people at the party were all fitness buffs? Many of them were from the Gold’s Gym that my wife works at and works out in. They devoured both pies in no time despite knowing they probably should have avoided it altogether. That’s how good it was. I’m sure they all spent a little extra time at the gym the next day or two to burn it off.